Verifying ownership of your NFT on Whop

Cereal Club
2 min readFeb 16, 2022


If you’ve made it here, congrats on your recent NFT purchase! It’s time to get access to the premium channels. These steps below will walk you through how to connect via Whop:

You can watch a video walkthrough here:

Step 1: Navigate to your project’s auth page

You can find this by either going to the Whop channel in your project’s Discord or going to the page directly.


Step 2: Connect your wallet

Click the connect wallet button. You’ll be prompted with a few different options.

You’ll be asked to authorize your wallet with Whop, where we will do a simple read-only transaction to verify your ownership of your NFTs.

Step 3: Claim Discord Roles

Once you’ve connected your wallet, if you own an NFT for the project you’re attempting to authorize, your page will look like this. Simply click the Claim Discord Roles button, which will automatically add your account to the respective project’s Discord and give you the proper ownership roles.

Step 4: Enjoy the Discord!

If you’ve connected everything properly, your Whop page will look like this. It’s time to head over to the Discord and meet the other holders.

*PS: If you are concerned about the “initiate transactions” permission, you can learn more about that here. This is a recent update MetaMask pushed, and it does NOT mean we can do anything without your approval. It’s simply the permission that allows transactions to pop up on your screen. Whop auth only uses read-only transactions to verify ownership of an NFT.

